
Teaching and learning


Our school:

  • We nurture

  • We challenge

  • We care

  • We develop relationships and trust.

At Baringa State Primary School, we develop the core literacy and numeracy skills through the use of explicit, direct instructional learning. Simply put, the teacher takes an active role and structures learning. Learning is teacher directed but always student centred. Students are taught specific skills through a step-by-step process and then given the opportunity to practice these skills moving information from short term memory to long term memory. The primary curriculum complements the basics of literacy and numeracy by providing a curriculum plan that implements the F-10 Australian Curriculum.

The primary school curriculum plan recognises the critical time for students to build foundational literacy and numeracy skills in the early years and develop to more thorough understandings of basic core literacy and numeracy concepts in the middle primary years. Our upper primary programs embed fundamental literacy and numeracy skills required for success in future learning within all learning areas and as a lifelong learner.

Baringa’s signature practices of: Teaching literacy (spelling, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension & writing) and numeracy (fluent computational skills & number facts), ensures the consistent implementation of key pedagogical practices to maximise student learning outcomes. 

The teaching of STEM

The study and practice of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is commonly known as STEM.

Our STEM Curriculum Design is based on trust, openness and a commitment to a futuristic approach to learning. Students will be immersed in a knowledge-based economy, that’s why we will engage all students in STEM subjects both in their individual disciplines and using a cross-disciplinary approach that involves integrating STEM disciplines around relevant contexts i.e. (Problem, Question, Product or Issue). 

Research shows that student learning gains are greatest when technology is fully integrated with “a content, and linked to high-quality teaching” – all of which will be aligned with assessment and accountability.

Cross-disciplinary approaches will have explicit links against individual Australian Curriculum subject Achievement Standards. The new future literacy of ‘coding’, will be common place for all students. But of equal importance is building a resilient problem-solving, inquiry approach to learning. Building students' capacity to work with complex and unfamiliar problems and tasks is another element that teachers will offer as common place.

Greater significance, is the importance we place on ongoing, quality teaching and learning in the individual learning areas. This is particularly important for the P-6 context. Our school will continue to strive for engaging, high quality instruction for Science, Technology (Digital & Design – Engineering) and Mathematics. (Robotics is a great platform in which to teach problem solving and computational thinking – “Don’t teach Robotics, use Robotics to Teach”.)

But of equal importance is building, an “Inquiry approach” to learning.
Building students' capacity to work with complex and unfamiliar problems and tasks is another element that students will exposed too. Students that demonstrate capacity with these questions and tasks will be well-placed to deal with the demands of STEM related subjects beyond Primary school. 

Last reviewed 25 May 2020
Last updated 25 May 2020